Please use the form at the bottom of this page for individual registration. Mark "no" when asked if you are proposing a session. Vendors can also use this form to register and select table options. Student volunteers form the organizing univerisites do not need to pay the conference fee, but must still register. And questions or problems with registration, or sending in session rosters, please email Mary Leighton (
Potential participants should send individual paper abstracts (max 300 words) directly to the session organizers, by email. Session organizers are responsible for selecting papers, and for sending the complete session roster along with all paper abstracts and titles to the Mary Leighton ( by March 15, 2013. All participants, including discussants, must register by March 15 using the form below
Early Bird Rates: students/unwaged - $50, waged - $75.
After March 15th 2013: students/unwaged - $75, waged - $125.
Registration is required to submit a session proposal through the website, and all session co-organizers must register separately. All conference participants (e.g., presenters, organizers and discussants) must be registered by March 15. There will be no on-site registration, so all registrations must be completed through the website.
Tables in the Gleacher Center can be reserved using the registration form below. Please indicate which of the three options for tables you would prefer: 5x2 foot Cherrywood table, Skirted 6 foot table or Skirted 8 foot table. The fee is $100 per 10'x10' open exhibit space (with tables provided). Vendors must also pay full conference registration fees for each individual attending. For additional information, please contact Hannah Chazin (hannahc at uchicago dot edu) or Sarah Adcock (adcock at uchicago dot edu).
May 9-11 2013
Theoretical Archaeology Group UK and Nordic
Theoretical Archaeology Group USA and Turkey
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